The Energy Transparency Index enables stakeholders to learn the main results of assessing transparency in the energy sectors of countries covered. It provides key findings of in-depth multidimensional analyses of transparency (by category and subcategory, energy market, or particular indicator, etc.), diagnosing gaps, international comparisons and rankings, and tracking progress in a user-friendly visual and interactive format.
Assessment by country
The Energy Transparency Index applies the statistical method of multidimensional weighted average utilized to assess complex objects, processes, and phenomena.
The total index score can vary from 0 to 100, which allows for tracking the overall level of transparency in countries' energy sectors and its dynamics. You can select a year to see a cross-country comparison or a country to see its progress over a period covered by the assessments.
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Assessment by category (cross-country comparison)
All indicators of the Index are grouped into eight categories reflecting various aspects of the energy sector operation.
- Balances: transparency of annual and monthly energy statistics.
- Natural monopolies: transparency of transmission and distribution system operators.
- Supply: transparency of rules, competition, and pricing in energy markets.
- Reliability and security: transparency of stocks and reserves, rules and reports on the security of supply.
- Consumption: transparency of service standards, metering, information for consumers about prices and tariffs, subsidies and other aid, energy efficiency programs, commercial offers of suppliers, and price comparison tools.
- Reporting: transparency of corporate financial, auditor, and management reports, non-financial information, payments to the government, corporate governance, and final beneficiaries.
- Policy: transparency of implementing policy documents on energy and sustainable development, energy efficiency, environmental protection, combating climate change, and renewables.
- Public authorities: transparency of public spending and state aid; developing, adopting, and implementing policy decisions, regulatory impact assessment; forming the management bodies.
The chart demonstrates the level of countries' energy sector transparency by category of the Index and allows cross-country comparison.
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Assessment by category (countries' progress)
The chart demonstrates the level of selected country energy sector transparency by category and allows progress tracking over a period covered by the assessment (you can select a country in the filter to reflect progress made).
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Assessment by subcategory
To provide a deeper understanding of countries' energy sector transparency, the indicators of the Index's categories are grouped into subcategories. It allows to see a detailed picture and more clearly identify gaps. The chart below demonstrates transparency scores for 24 subcategories comprising eight categories of the Index.
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Assessment by market
Transparency of energy markets is critical for promoting competition, fair pricing, effective regulation and market performance, favorable business conditions, and better consumer services. The Index encompasses two energy markets: natural gas and electricity.
Total transparency scores were calculated for each energy market and for sectoral categories - Balances, Natural monopolies, Supply, Reliability and security, and Consumption - related to a particular energy market. The other three categories - Reporting, Policy, and Public Authorities - are cross-sectoral and relate to the whole energy sector and they were not included in the calculation of the markets' transparency.